Happy International Women's Day!
I chose this day to switch over to my new website (welcome!), change my name on social media (@cultivatewithsarah), and write my first blog post here!

I really love what the theme for this year.
Choose to Challenge.
A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change.
So let's all choose to challenge.
Finding the courage to challenge ourselves to make a change is not easy. But as women, we make choices everyday for change. It can be a small change in how we do something simple as school drop off or something that is not as simple like expecting to be paid our worth and not accepting less.
Making this change to a new website, new name and new way of doing business was scary for me. It's a new platform and I am putting myself out there to level up with what I am doing. I know that being out of my comfort zone is going to make my business grow and be cultivated in so many ways! I can't wait to share more with you!
My challenge for myself this year is to begin taking on clients to help them begin their journey to having a routine and becoming more organized. Out of this challenge will come the change that homes, business and time are managed and life is lived fully.