Oliver is my 4th baby. He is the sweetest little guy. Although, he spits up A LOT. I have changed my diet too. Ollie is just our “happy spitter.”

I feel like I have perfected the list of things I need for the first few months and I wanted to share them with you! (contains ad links)

One. This car seat is heavenly. It is easy to install. I love the canopy. We have the UPPAbaby Cruz single stroller as well, and the system is so easy to use! We have the car seat in the color Jake (black). This is our second baby using the car seat.

Two. I have to admit something. I don’t like pacifiers. I always worry I wont be able to break the habit as my babies get older. However, the Avent soft pacifiers are great. I also like these because you can’t see down your babies mouth and watch them suckle on them!

Three. The Owlet is something we bought when we moved Claire in to her own room at 6 months. I wish we had purchased it sooner. It is a sanity saver. Every night I put the sock on Oliver’s little foot, and cover it with a sock. That is my tip. Cover the Owlet with a sock. That keeps the foot warm and helps to hold the Owlet in place so you don’t have random alerts saying the monitor is out of place.

Four. When my older two were babies baby wearing wasn’t a thing. When I was pregnant with Claire, it was becoming very popular. I bought the sweetest, softest blush colored wrap to wear her in. With Oliver, I bought the more neutral wrap. And I still love them. Holding my babies close is so perfect.

Five. I knew going in to having another babe that I would need a place to put them away from Claire’s wrath! I had a Mamaroo for Claire and she HATED it. Let’s face it, she hated everything and cried all the time. I just *knew* this new babe was going to be easy going, chill, perfect. I got the Bounceroo for him. And we use it ALL THE TIME. I love it. He loves it. I also got this adorable infant insert to help keep him sitting better for the first couple of months.